Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 14th

Is it possible to be a Grinch or a Scrooge of a holiday other than Christmas? Who hates Christmas?! It’s such an amazing time of year!! The smells, the warm fires, the trees and decorations, family, food, movies. The list goes on and on. But there is one holiday I am less than fond of and that would be Valentine’s Day. I just don’t understand why there needs to be a day, just one day each year, to show someone you love them. If you love someone, shouldn’t you show them every day? Not just on that Hallmark created holiday that every woman dreams of the other 364 days of the year? Or was it created for the couples to taunt all the single people; To scream “we are in love and you have no one.” Is that really fair?

Now I’m sure you’re thinking, “this single girl is just bitter.” But it’s not true. I’ve had boyfriends for Valentine’s Day. I’ve had a Valentine for every Valentine’s Day I can think of as a matter of fact. And I’m not trying to negate any of the wonderful things they’ve done for me. Spending hours meticulously making a complicated meal or driving 8 hours on no sleep just to surprise me are hardly something to disregard. But they only did it because our society tells them they have to. Ladies, don’t you want your man (or girlfriend, I don’t judge) to do something special for you just because he loves you? I’d much rather have flowers on a random Wednesday or a special dinner on a Friday night than worry about what we’re going to do on February 14th. Where’s the surprise? The magic? That special “just because I love you” feeling? Those things are replaced with heart shaped balloons and chalk flavored candies stamped with “fax me” and “heart u.” I just don’t see the point.

But I suppose for the girls who’ve watched one too many romantic comedies, this is the one day a year you can hold on to the hope that you just might find your knight in shining armor. That Richard Geer will be outside your apartment, opera blaring and long stem roses in hand, waiting to spend the rest of his life with you. I hate to break it to you, but hookers don’t look like Julia Roberts and men don’t spend the rest of their lives with them. Valentine’s Day only adds to the belief that we can live a fairytale ending. But it just doesn’t happen. Men, if you’re reading this, and if you really want to impress your lady friend, don’t shower her with gifts one day a year. Do special little things as often as possible that show her how much you love and care about her. Leave her post-its around the house, scroll love letters across the bathroom mirror with dry erase pens, send flowers to her work just because. You shouldn’t need a reason to show someone how you feel. If there is one thing you take away from this entry it is this: Love without reason. Don’t love because the calendar tells you to. And for all you singles out there sick of all the emails, advertisements, and commercials reminding you how single you are, just remember, the other 364 days of the year are dedicated to us. The least we can do is donate one day to the couples.

Until next time with more Random Thoughts From the Shower, this is KRS signing off.