I feel like if you’re open and friendly you can meet all kinds of amazing new people. You can also meet a lot of creepers as past entries in this blog have proven… But that’s not what this one is about…
I consider myself to be a very approachable and friendly person. Except for when I’m drunk and feisty. When I’m like that, steer clear… But under most circumstances, I’m pretty nice. It’s because of this that I have been able to meet new and exciting people all the time. Why, just this weekend, I met a guy who invented a laser used for hair removal. He showed me his scars and patches where hair wouldn’t grow on his face and arms from testing his laser!! How cool is that?? There are so many people in this world and a lot of them have a really cool story to tell. You just have to be open and ready to listen. So here is my story about my new friend I met today…
I was having a usual Monday: Still struggling with my hangover from Saturday night’s festivities, trying to convince myself I was deathly ill and unable to work, busy but bored, and annoyed with just about everyone… Don’t you wish you could hang out with me every Monday?! Haha!! Well I normally eat lunch at my desk (I like the extra hour of overtime) but for some reason I decided to go sit at the bar at BJs and treat myself to a good lunch. I packed up and headed over to the restaurant.
I sat at a table in the bar section and decided to play on FB and text with my friend to pass the time. Usually I bring my book but I was unprepared for this spontaneous solo meal. My sandwich came and was amazing. (Turkey Cobb with thin fries and ranch… HIGHLY recommended…) Most of the people there were in business clothes so when a guy came in wearing basketball shorts and a Tap Out t-shirt, he definitely caught my eye. He went up to the bar and started talking to the bartender. Obviously they knew each other. All of a sudden he turns around and says, “hey can I join you?” Now most of you would probably say no or be awkward and leave right away. This is where you fail. I said sure and he sat down. Turns out, he works there and isn’t allowed to sit at the bar. Hence why he was now sharing my table. He starts pouring out his life story to me. Obviously I must have looked like I wanted to know because I definitely didn’t ask him. He was having a bad day and had just gotten pulled over so he decided to take his car to the shop (he needed to get it smogged so they wouldn’t tow it) and come in for a cheap lunch. I told him I was also having a bad day which is why I too was sitting here. He offere to buy me a beer but I declined. I don't like to drink and go back to work... Just feels wrong... I kept asking questions and responding appropriately I guess because I found out he majored in communications in LA but came down here where his brother who just opened a gym lives. He works at BJs, Joes Jeans across the street, teaches some kick boxing classes and is a professional fighter. My response? "You mean like a cage fighter?" Took everything I had not to laugh at him... Maybe don’t follow that part of my story because that’s mean but the rest is a good example I promise. Turns out he’s making his professional debut next month. He has a manager and sponsors and is four and 0… I think that’s what he said… Apparently that’s good… But a professional fighter? At my table on a random Monday afternoon? What are the odds?!
I know this story is random and you’re probably thinking “umm is there even a point to this?” I promise I’m not wasting your time. The point is, my day totally got better and I left with a smile on my face and a new friend named AJ. If we go through life afraid of strangers and continue to keep this huge guard up that so many people seem to have, we never get to meet cool new friends like AJ or James, the guy who invented the laser that I mentioned earlier. I’m not saying go give your number to every rando who asks for it. That turns out bad. Don’t do that. But what is a little conversation going to hurt? You never know who someone could be until you ask them.
Until next time with more Random Thoughts From the Shower, this is KRS signing off...
omg thats exactly what i get at bj's too! the sandwich though, not the new friends unfortunately haha